Spread the [Love] Money


This is Maria

Maria is 21 years old and single. She lives with her mother and she works in the production of tablecloths, napkins and other embroidered products. She and her mother don’t have their own shop, so they sell their crafts to wholesalers who in turn sell to the Santo Domingo artisan’s market. She also sells special orders to people in the community.

I just loaned Maria $25.

With this loan, she hopes to buy more thread and fabric to increase production and sell in a small shop that is frequented by tourists.

This is called Mutual Aid. Not Colonial Aid. Not Corrupt Government Aid. Not Celebrity Ego Enhancing Aid. Rather, Actual Aid.

And when this loan is repaid. I’ll find another Maria.

The money I loaned Maria was from the profits I made from selling my own embroidery. And that’s about 95% of my profits so far. So hopefully some of you out there with a slightly higher income can lend some money too.